There are two major reasons why it is a good idea to talk to someone outside of your family and friends when it comes to advice.
Unbiased professionals
The first reason is because they will not and should not have a bias on way or another. Being neutral is key when dealing with situations and this is why mediators exist. This allows for a neutral party to hear information without being prejudiced by other external and sometimes irrelevant information. When you have two parents it can be easy for one of them to feel that a person, be it a friend or a relative, might be inclined to agree with their side or vice versa. Having an objective third party to discuss things with makes it easier to be a little more open about what you are dealing with when it comes to private family affairs.
The second reason is that when you have a third party that you are discussing your private family business with it allows you to do so with people that are simply outside your social circle. When you are discussing private family business with someone in your own social circle many feel uncomfortable because they are concerned with someone judging them on what they say. Another negative impact of discussing private family business with people in your social circle is your friends and family gossiping to others in your social circles. Sometimes things can slip out on accident or even maliciously. The best way to avoid this from happening is doing so with a very discrete service like the Family Consulting Network or another private third party. This way when you are socializing with your friends and family at events or other get togethers you don’t have to worry about anything you have discussed in confidence being around you to make you feel uncomfortable.
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